From Baghdad, with love (An ode in 3.5 parts)
1) Freshman congresswoman, Bush-groper, and all-around swell gal Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) has once again amazed us with her insight into national defense policy. It turns out she has discovered a new plan for Iraq that not even the pentagon has known about. According to Bachmann, Shiite, Persian Iran will rule over the most Sunni and Arab province in Iraq, Anbar, in order to turn it into a terrorist safe haven and breeding ground. For those of you confused by the language, let's put it like this:
Western Iraq - Sunni Arab majority
Iran, the purported controllers of Western Iraq - Shiite Persian majority
Michele Bachmann - Idiot.
And if you thought this was enough, let's not forget about this video of Bachmann sexually assaulting the president during the SOTU.
2) This post by a father of a univerisity student in Baghdad is shocking.
3) If you are looking for a sneak preview of what's up next in the Bush Administration foreign policy show, check out this article from the New Yorker. Despite the misgivings many Iranians may have about Ahmadinejad as a leader, we've come up with the brilliant strategy of turning an entire other nation against us with the drop of a bomb.
According to Hersh, the Bush Administration is taking a cue from the Reagan strategy of funding Sunni fundamentalists (back when bin Laden was a "freedom fighter") to fend off the communists, and to oppose Shiite governments and movements in the Middle East has begun the "bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."
3.5) It turns out Al Sharpton's ancestors have a pretty intimiate connection to segregationist and racist late-senator Strom Thurmond.... they were his family's slaves. Oh, the irony.