Since all of the hubbub surrounding the release of the "Downing Street Memo" this summer, it has become clear to many that the case for Operation Iraqi Freedom was a forged one--based on both faulty and manipulated intelligence. This week, developments in the Valerie Plame leak investigation reveal that the case against the President and his administration has become all the more damning. Read the Washington Post story
These days, one cannot help but long for those White House lies that caused mere embarassment--and not the deaths of over 6,900 .
The Downing Street Memo really hasn't gotten much coverage in the United States...in general we seem to accept that the case for war was a embarrassing mistake - but one that was made in good faith.
Will we be hearing from the man sitting on GW's right, Mr Powell isn't it?
I must believe that this man who spent his life in the military, made the honorable choice and walked away from decisions by his commander-in-chief. A lesson not so well learned by our fighting men and women as they continue to commit attrocities against old men, women and children.
God forgive us all.
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