Sunday, March 02, 2008

Neck-and-neck in TX

Well, perhaps it's not all over. A couple of new polls show a statistical dead heat in Texas, a major change from a few days ago.

American Research Group, Inc: Clinton 47% Obama 46%
Fort Worth Star-Telegram/McClatchy/MSNBC: Clinton 46% Obama 47%

Zogby still has Obama up by 4 (47%-43%).

Should be an interesting next couple of days. If Hillary can stop the Obamatrain (or maybe rein in the Obamahorse, to continue the metaphor in the subject. . .)by grabbing TX and OH, who knows what will happen.


Unknown said...

ARG is a really bad polling company. I remember in Iowa they had Clinton winning by a bunch in their final polls

Erica said...
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Erica said...

She also has a pretty good firewall in Rhode Island according to WPRI/Fleming and Associates ( With +/- 5%):

Clinton Obama Undecided
49 40 11 Feb. 24-2

Jacob W said...

True about ARG, but Zogby isn't much better--they had Obama with a 13 point lead in CA.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Zogby. They did a terrible job with New Hampshire also... I guess pretty much everyone did though.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Sullivan is posting his feelings of dread because recent trending seems to be towards Hillary. I.e., SurveyUSA has Ohio at Hillary 54%, Obama 44%. Tomorrow is going to be a long night.