Monday, January 30, 2006

Chafee says NO!

Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, a Republican moderate and an early opponent of the Iraq war, has decided to oppose Samuel Alito’s confirmation.

"I am a pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-Bill of Rights Republican, and I will be voting against this nomination," said the senator.

However, Chafee opposes a Democratic filibuster and the confirmation is all but secure.

In a typical move, John Kerry (D-MA, loser) had called for a filibuster – from the comfort of a ski resort in the Swiss Alps.

And so it appears that Justices Scalia and Thomas will have a new confrere on the court. For this observer, the highlight of the confirmation process was clearly the teary flight of Martha-Ann. As Tina Fey faithfully reported:

"During Sen. Graham's apology, Martha-Ann Bomgardner, Alito's wife, was so overcome with emotion she broke down in tears and left the hearing. To get an abortion."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean Scalia, Thomas, AND Roberts will have a new buddy.

If only more Republican officials were willing to question the direction taken by this administration. Opportunism is certainly not a laudable characteristic in any politician--especially not when it trumps their morality.