Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Scalito Rising

It seems that Arlen Specter's much-lauded commitment to women’s rights wasn’t worth all that.

Here are the C-SPAN numbers (based on declared intentions of senators):

Democrats voting "No":
Baucus (MT)Biden (DE)Boxer (CA)Clinton (NY) Dodd (CT)Durbin (IL)Feingold (WI)Feinstein (CA)Harkin (IA)Kennedy (MA)Kerry (MA)Kohl (WI)Leahy (VT)Mikulski (MD) Murray (WA) Nelson, Bill (FL) Obama (IL)Reed (RI) Reid, H. (NV)Salazar (CO)Schumer (NY)Stabenow (MI)Wyden (OR)

Democrats voting "Yes":
Nelson, Ben (NE)

Republicans voting "No": None so far.


Haverdonkey said...

We are testing.

Haverdonkey said...

Yeah, we are.

Anonymous said...

Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Tim Johnson of South Dakota are joining Ben Nelson in supporting Alito.