Monday, February 20, 2006

Golden Rule Democrats

Yesterday, on a brisk Sunday afternoon, about 120 people filled Thomas Great Hall over at Bryn Mawr College, and the campaigns of three state reps, two congressional candidates and one very jovial governer kicked off. Gov. Ed Rendell spoke very well, Lois Murphy and Joe Sestak gave resounding criticism of the status quo down in DC and the state representative candidates tried not to look too overwhelmed.

The Haverford College Democrats were there to provide sly, insightful and unheeded advice on speaking mannerisms, intonation, handling the press and presence on stage. (Any one remembering the Presidential Voice from last season's West Wing?) You know who else was there? The Associated Press. The Bi-College News. Various other propaganda machines. Emma Rodman (no, that's m-a-n) and Joe Ballou definetly have a picture with Lois coming out on the wires soon. And I am newly invigorated about the coming campaigns. Lois and Joe's races are important, and we're really going to be able to help them out.

In other news, something that Rendell said stuck with me: he called himself, and us, "Golden Rule Democrats". The moral and spiritual edge that the GOP seems to have culled isn't based in divine ordination or anything else insurmountable--as we're all aware, it is a P.R. game. I find the governor's reference to our compassion and social focus compelling, in the same way that I found his illustrative example awesome:

"They're so concerned with making sure that a fetus is carried to term. They call themselves pro-life. Well, where's the concern with the child's life when they vote against the WIC program that provides food to infants and small children? Where is the concern when they vote against funding pre-natal care for poor mothers?"



Haverdonkey said...

Commander Rodman, you are an inspiration to us all. However, I have once again edited your post.



Haverdonkey said...

Adrian, I think we both know that Tammany was a well-oiled and highly efficient social service organization, which increased voter participation and civic spirit.

At tonight's meeting, I think I will present my anti-Progressive electoral reform platform. Be prepared to fight over this editoral decision.

Vote early and often,

Anonymous said...

Always curious too, the politician who speaks of pro-life and the occupation of foreign nations. The placement of such value on the life of the unborn so that their young adult years can be spent as cannon fodder.

True love of life does not stop at birth.